Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A hiatus

Yep, I took a hiatus for about 2 weeks. I finally figured out that my scale was set to KG instead of pounds. Thanks, Grokster. So 102 kg converts to 224 pounds. A grand total of 3 pounds lost in a month. Not so good. I had promised myself a cake for my birthday, so I made a luscious chocolate coconut "Mounds" cake, whose recipe had been in my collection since I was 16. I won't lie. It was yummy, yummy, yummy! I made half the cake with a coconut filling, and left the other half with just a chocolate frosting between the layers, for Mr. Grok, since he hates all things coconut. It took me about 3 days to eat half the cake. I think it was the "diet" mentality that's all too common to dieters. "I'm going to do this for X amount of time, then I can eat normally again!" Well, normal ain't good. In the 2 weeks, I gained back the 3 pounds I had lost. *sigh* So much for that experiment. Although I did learn a little bit. Namely, that I needed to try something different than just plain low-carb. Over on Mark's Daily Apple, they were running a 30 day Primal Challenge. I like the Primal Blueprint, hence the name Grokette. So I decided to jump in with both feet. I ordered their 30 day Primal Leap Kit, for a pretty big chunk of change. Most of what came in the kit was redundant to what I had already read and knew, but the workbook was pretty neat. It was broken into 4 chapters to read, 1 for each week, and 4 chapters for journalling. I kept a daily journal on the website for the Primal Leap, but to be honest, I was disappointed in the site. It was restricted to those who paid for the PL program, and thus, it wasn't populated by very many people. It was more like writing a diary, and there was no give and take on the other forums. There was a promise that Mark would do podcasts, but apparently, he did 2 and stopped, and that was several months ago. I posted a question about some elbow pain, and never heard back from anyone. So overall, I'd say the workbook was good, but the whole package is way overpriced, especially considering that you don't get any one on one support, like they promised. But that said, I'm going to do the PL month again, because I did get some good out of it, and I also didn't focus nearly enough on weeks 3 and 4 because of company. I did stick to my program, and I'm very happy about that, but there's more to be gained. So this time around, I'm going to journal and give my opinions here on my blog.